sábado, 3 de abril de 2010


Portugal has been a witness of a constant flow of different civilizations during the last 3.100 years. Tartesos, Celts, Phoenicians and Carthaginians, Greeks, Romans, German (suevos and visigodos), Moslem, Jewish and other cultures have left fingerprint in the culture, history, language and etnia. During the XVth and XVIth century, Portugal was an economic, social and cultural world power, as well as his(her,your) empire, which was spreading from Brazil up to the East Indies. It is a developed country member of the United Nations Organization (UNO) and charter member of the Eurozone, the OECD, the NATO and the CPLP. Portugal meets between(among) 20 countries of the world better and major quality of life.


to [edit) principal Article: Gastronomy of Portugal The gastronomy is rich and varied. On the coast fresh fish is consumed very much, but in addition the Portuguese are proud of the variety of ways of preparing the cod in salting. Every zone of the country has his(her,your) local dishes.
Portugal is a strongly wine country, being famous the wines of the Douro, of the Alentejo and of the Dão, the green wines of the Miño, and the generous wines of Oporto and of Madeira. To level of confectionary the so called ones " graze of belém " the eggs like (of Aveiro) they are the most famous. Of between(among) the popular plates to standing out there are the Green Broth (Lisbon), the francesinhas and the guts (of the region of Oporto), the "Leitão da Bairrada" (Pig of origén between(among) Aveiro and Coimbra), " the pataniscas (of the region of Lisbon), and the gaspacho (of the Algarve), the Ham and the Folar de Chaves.


[edits] The recognized Beach of The Sea-coast (The) (Algarve) .El The Algarve, to the south of Portugal, is excellent the tourist point of Portuguese and foreigners. The climate and the temperature of the water are the principal factors that they contribute(pay) to the great tourist growth in this region. The inauguration of the airport of Faro in the decade of the 60 contributed(paid) immensly to the tourists' afflux of the most different nationalities, especially Britishers, Germans and Scandinavians. Lisbon and Oporto many tourists attract also, being considered to be specially attractive cities by his(her,your) night life, his(her,your) narrow relation by his(her,your) respective rivers (Tagus and Douro) and by his(her,your) monuments. Oporto is a city that it(he,she) takes place in the cultural panorama of the country and of Europe. It was The European Capital Of the Culture in 2001. Serralves's Foundation and the House of the Music are of obligatory visit. The club of football of the city is also one of more acquaintances of Europa. Madeira is also a tourist center, both for his(her,your) agreeable climate and for his(her,your) exceptional gastronomy. Other tourist important attractions are Chaves's cities, To take, Sintra, Aveiro, Coímbra, Elvas, Évora, Panty and Guimarães; and the valley of the river Douro.


The transport was seen as a priority at the beginning of the decade of the seventies associated with the rapid economic growth, and again in the nineties, after the Revolution of the Carnations of 1974, pushed by the rapid growth in the use of the cars and the growth of the consumption. El País newspaper possesses(relies on) a network(net) of roads of 68.732 km, of which at least 3000 km are a part(report) of the system of 44 highways. Portugal was first one of the countries of the world in having a highway, opening her in 1944, joining Lisbon with the National Stadium, in what it(he,she) would be in the future the highway Lisbon-Cascais (now A5). Nevertheless, though other sections of highways were constructed in the sixties and seventies, it(he,she) was only at the end of the eighties when it(he,she) began the construction of highways on a large scale.


(to [edit) The Portuguese climate qualifies as The Atlantic Ocean - Mediterranean, a maritime climate influenced by the Atlantic Ocean, being cold and rainy in the north, and warmly and dry in the south (annual Rainfalls: Faro - 524 mm; Lisbon - 750 mm; Coímbra - 1000 mm; I carry - 1200 mm; Viana do Castelo - 1400 mm) In continental Portugal, the temperatures divide equally 13 °C in the North and 18 °C in the South. Madeira and Azores, due to his(her,your) location in the Atlantic Ocean, are rainy and humid, and have a thermal minor extent.
Portugal is one of the hottest European countries. The spring and the summer they are sunny and the highest temperatures during July and August are of between(among) 28 °C to 35 °C, sometimes coming to the 40 °C inside the south. The autumn and winter they are typically rainy and windy, Climate (to [edit) The Portuguese climate qualifies as The Atlantic Ocean - Mediterranean, a maritime climate influenced by the Atlantic Ocean, being cold and rainy in the north, and warmly and dry in the south (annual Rainfalls: Faro - 524 mm; Lisbon - 750 mm; Coímbra - 1000 mm; I carry - 1200 mm; Viana do Castelo - 1400 mm) In continental Portugal, the temperatures divide equally 13 °C in the North and 18 °C in the South. Madeira and Azores, due to his(her,your) location in the Atlantic Ocean, are rainy and humid, and have a thermal minor extent.
Portugal is one of the hottest European countries. The spring and the summer they are sunny and the highest temperatures during July and August are of between(among) 28 °C to 35 °C, sometimes coming to the 40 °C inside the south. The autumn and winter they are typically rainy and windy, Though sunny days are not strange. It(he,she) is not common the minor temperatures to the 2 °C in the coastal zone, generally they are in an average of 8/11 °C.

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