domingo, 4 de abril de 2010


England (in English: England) is the biggest and denser populated with the constituent countries (constituent country) of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It(he,she) occupies both third parts of the island of Great Britain and borders to the north on Scotland and on the west on Wales. His(her,your) 49.138.831 inhabitants in 2001 were corresponding(fitting) to 83 % of the population of the United Kingdom. [1] The territory is surrounded by the sea of the North, sea of Ireland, Atlantic Ocean and the channel of the Spot. His(her,your) capital, London, is the metropolitan area most populated in Great Britain and in the European Union.

England, and specially the city of London, they are between(among) the destinies most wished by the travelers. The British capital, and the most important city of England, has lived in the last years through a resurrection, thanks to succeeded political of urban development reordering. Test(proof) of it they are the enormous tent of Tame, the gigantic treadmill that decorates the shores of the river Thames or the new Tate Gallery. This, and much more, has made possible that returns to be considered to be one of the pioneering cities of the Planet.

To speak about the gastronomy of France, is to speak about some of the most refined and varied gastronomías about the world. It is necessary to emphasize products as the foie, the quiches, the crêpes and the camembert, extended all over the world. So much on the coast northwest since(as,like) in the Mediterranean one we are fished of quality, as well as breeding-places of shellfish, oysters and mussels, specially in the zone of Aquitaine, Charente, Normandy and Brittany. Also the rivers offer good fish. It is necessary to emphasize the French garden, his(her,your) cattle variety and the lacteal products, specially his(her,your) more than 400 varieties of cheeses. The most famous are Brie, Roquefort, Camembert and those of goat.

The climate

of France is moderated in general terms(ends), but considerable regional contrasts exist; for example, the coastal area of the south-east, he(she) enjoys a Mediterranean climate with dry and hot summers and soft winters, while in the plateau of the interior, the mountains and the regions of the high oriental lands the climate becomes continental. The oceanic climate is typical of the regions of Brittany and Normandy and spreads to the whole western zone of FranceThe temperatures in the Atlantic littoral are smoothed by the oceanic currents and the domineering winds of the southwest. The everage temperature of Paris in January is of 3,2 ºC and of 19,5 ºC in July; in Strasbourg, the everage temperature of January is of 0,8 ºC and in July, 19,1 ºC; In Nice, of 8,3 ºC in January and of 22,4 ºC in July; and in Lyons, it(he,she) is of 2 ºC in January and of 21 ºC in July. The rainfalls are abundant during the whole year in the west, and in the East they increase with the altitude and during the springs(spring) months and autumn.

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