domingo, 4 de abril de 2010


Japan Nihon or Nippon?, officially Nihon-koku or Nippon-koku, ' State of Japan '; literal meaning: ' the country of the origin of the Sun ') Nippon-koku ?/i, it is an insular country of this(this one) of Asia. There is located between(among) the ocean Pacific Ocean and the sea of the Japan, to the east of China, Russia and the peninsula of Korea.
Japan is formed(trained) by four principal islands: Honsh , Hokkaid , Kysh and Shikoku, which form(train) 97 % of the total surface of the country, and for other 6.848 minor adjacent islands. [2 It(He,She) has a population of 127 million persons, the tenth most numerous of the world. The metropolitan area of Tokyo, which it(he,she) includes to the cardinal city of Tokyo and the prefectures of his(her,your) surroundings, is the biggest urban area of the world in terms(ends) of population, sheltering more than 30 million inhabitants.


Is a rainy country and with a high dampness, [32] it(he,she) possesses a climate moderated with 4 different definite well stations, thanks to the distance to the one that is respect of the equator. Of all forms the climate of the north is lightly a moderate(tepid) cold (Hokkaid ) with strong summers and big snowfalls in winter, the center of the country is warm, humid summers and short winters and in the south lightly subtropical (Kysh ) with long, warm and humid summers and short and soft winters. [36]

The climate sometimes is affected by the seasonal winds produced by the centers ciclónicos and anticiclónicos that are formed in the continent and in the Pacific Ocean (anticyclone or Hawaiian cyclone), [37] generating winds from the continent towards the Pacific Ocean in winter and of the Pacific Ocean to the continent in summer. [38] Typhoon Yagi, it(he,she) happened(passed) near the pacific coast of Japan in September, 2006. It(he,she) managed to reach the category 5. Two primary factors exist in the climatological influence: the nearness with the Asian continent and the oceanic currents. The climate from June to September is warm and humid for the tropical currents of wind that come from the ocean Pacific Ocean and from the Asian southeast


to [edit) principal Article: Economy of Japan See also: Communications in Japan The Stock exchange of Tokyo is the second biggest of the world. Yokohama, Minato Mirai 21. Japanese mints (yenes) .Japón is the biggest second economy of the world, [40] after the United States, concerning(around) 4,5 trillions of dollars in terms(ends) of nominal GDP and the third one after the United States and China in terms(ends) of parities of the buying power. [41] His(Her,Your) GDP for worn out hour is 18 º higher of the world from 2006. [42]


(to [edit) principal Article: Culture of Traditional Japan Japanese garden in Kioto. A geisha attends to a businessman in Kioto. The Japanese culture has evolved in a considerable way in the last years, from the original country of the culture Jmon to his(her,your) contemporary culture, which combines the influences of Asia, Europe and norteamérica. The traditional arts include the crafts (ikebana, origami, ukiyo - and, dolls, lacquers, pottery), performances (bunraku, Kabuki, Noh, rakugo), traditions (ceremony of the tea, Bud , the architecture, the gardens, the swords) and he(she) cooks


Japan [edits] in the Olympic Games Selection of football of Japan Traditionally, the supreme one is considered to be the national sport since it is one of the most popular sports between(among) the spectators. [63] martial Arts like the judo, karate and kend also they are widely practised and enjoy a considerable number of spectators in the country. After the Restoration Meiji, many western sports were introduced and started propagating in the educational system. [64] The Japanese League of Professional Baseball was established in 1936 and today in day it is one of the most popular sports of the country. [65] In 2006 there obtained the first championship of baseball, the Classic World one of Baseball, returning to gain(earn) the classic one also in 2009 against Korea in a tight final, that One extended Extra innings

Traditional gown

The gown, par excellence, and for being the most recognized Japanese for a lot of time is the yukata or kimono, which is like a long dressing-gown that comes up to the ankles, which it(he,she) makes feel comfortably, is supported in the waist by a thick(bulky) strip or belt, which on the part of behind becomes nude doing a species(kind) of bun. The yukata is used, in these days, only for the popular holidays(parties), in the women they are used yukatas of varied and happy colors, and in the men, it(he,she) is used slightly more masculine, maybe a piece of a dark color.
Another important part of the Japanese gown they are the geta similar to a few sandals of wood, with two perpendicular pieces of wood as sole.


of Japan like national kitchen(cuisine) has evolved in the centuries because of many political and social changes. In the Age Antigua the majority of the kitchen(cuisine) was influenced by the Chinese culture. The kitchen(cuisine) changed with the advent of the Middle Ages, which marked the beginning of an abandon of the elitism with the regulation of the shogunato. Initially(originally) of the Modern Age there happened big changes that introduced in Japan the western culture.

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